Group Play & Daycare

Group Play & Daycare

Daycare is available 24 hours a day with a scheduled reservation for up to 12 hours.

Open lobby hours are from 7am to 7pm.

5 Days


Each Day

Expires 30 days from purchase date

$6 Savings Per Day

15 Days


Each Day

Expires 45 days from purchase date

$7 Savings Per Day

20 Days


Each Day

Expires 60 days from purchase date

$9 Savings Per Day



Up to 5 days per week.

1 Month minimum subscription period.

$28 Per Day

$10 Savings Per Day



Up to 25 days per month.

3 Month minimum subscription.

$26 Per Day

$12 Savings Per Day

Up to 2 times per month, your pup will receive a courtesy Rinse Bath¹ and Nail Trim before going home or you can choose to upgrade to a full grooming service² and receive 15% off the grooming service of your choice.



Unlimited uses per year.

$6,600 Billed up front.


First payment of $3,300 upon purchase. $330/mo. charged each month for 10 months after initial payment.

10 Easy payment processing fee: $15.

Up to 2 times per month, your pup will receive a courtesy Rinse Bath¹ and Nail Trim before going home or you can choose to upgrade to a full grooming service² and receive 15% off the grooming service of your choice.

¹Rinse off Bath with Nail Trim will be performed by one of our Pack Leaders. We schedule this bath to be done 1-2 hours prior to your estimated time of pick up. Rinse Bath Includes - Shampoo, Rinse Off, Light Brush, and Blow Dry. Note: If your pup has any Matting that would become tighter by doing just a rinse off bath, we will not be able to provide this service. It would then be recommended to set up the Full Grooming Services provided by Top Dog Grooming.

²Scheduling of a Full Grooming Service is subject to groomers availability and may not fall directly on the 15th/30th day of your dog's package, the discount will still be applied if choosing a Full Grooming Service.

Package must be purchased for each pup to be eligible for additional perks.

Package Blackout Dates for use include All Federal and State Holidays. Daycare is still available at the Holiday Rate for Hourly or Full Day.

Daycare subscriptions are subject to term length and price change at any time. If change of these terms occur, subscription user will be given the option to continue with new terms or cancel subscription.

Group Play/Day Care

    • How does my dog qualify?

      Before being able to join group play, your dog must pass a temperament test and be able to play well with other dogs. Vaccinations must be current and up to date as well as being spayed/neutered. 

      If your dog is not or becomes not eligible for group play, our next option is to assign your dog to individual play. There is a separate small daily fee for individual play. Please ask one of our team members for more information.

    • What is a temperament test?

      A temperament test (temp test) is a 2 hour multi point test to have our certified pet technicians watch and observe your dog to ensure that they are well enough behaved to play with other dogs in an active environment. 

      All dogs are required to pass the test in order to return to group play either while boarding or during daycare.

      We highly recommend testing your dog during off peak days when the parks are not as busy. Testing during a busy time could overwhelm your dog because they are being introduced to a new environment with a high level activity at the same time. Testing during off peak days allows your dogs to familiarize themselves with the new environment with a lower level of activity around them.

    • Do all dogs play in the same place?

      Not all dogs play together in the same place. We have 2 different style of group play parks. Park 1 is our big dog park which usually large breed dogs. Park 2 is our small dog park that has smaller breed dogs. 

      There are exceptions that are made where you might find a bigger dog in the small dog park. An example of this exception could be an elderly dog that cannot play with bigger dogs because they are either more relaxed or we fear an injury could happen with the bigger dogs playing rough around the elderly dog.

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